Monday, January 23, 2012

Where was I?

I was finding myself. I got lost somewhere. The somewhere is where I found you. I lost myself there again.

I always try to do something for myself and end up doing something to make you happy.

I always try to say what I want and end up listening to what you want from me.

I always lose myself whenever you come in my way. So one day I ran away and never looked back. Months later when I thought I should find myself again, there you are! In middle of so many lost thoughts, I found you again and lost myself again.

Once, twice and don't know how many more times.


Sands | കരിങ്കല്ല് said...

I think, you are running in a circle! :P

A Liberated Soul said...


mrniiiceguy said...

Little games that we play

remember the games we used to play as children ... "lost and found" (ollicheu kalikuka (Malayalam))... sometimes you "Hide" and that sometimes is when others/you loose sight of you/others.

there are times when you take the risk of others seeing you ... that sometimes is when there is a lot of excitement ... cause they can seek you ... imagine they see you ... they are definitely happier ...

in some way there is a correlation ... imagine you ran away from the game ... hoping that others would never find you ... and when you return back,if ever they were always looking for you ... and you find them, you loose the game ...

you were the hider ... who lost once, twice and dont know how many more times ...

when are you gonna be the seeker ?