Monday, January 10, 2011

Series: Moods-2

I see a lonely future, but I hesitate to step back.
Maybe I should just take a step ahead, from the roof top of a 26 storey building.


mrniiiceguy said...

Q - Want Company ?

Mind thoughts said...
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Aliza said...

dilemma of choices..

Sands | കരിങ്കല്ല് said...

did you finally take that step?
(if you did, have you reached down yet?) ;)

then it is time for the next post!

Unknown said...

It heart warming to look back and feel that undefined emotion that a look or a little gesture pull us back from the deepest of trenches we fall in... :-). And am glad you are here!

A Liberated Soul said...

A dot, thank you :) and welcome!