Sunday, December 24, 2006

All what I could think

Current Condition:

A very dull time of the day.
Poor selection of song being played in the background (by my colleague).
Unhealthy me-No breakfast-No lunch.
Oily hair.
Mild head ache.
Upset fiancé.
Secret evidence of womanhood-running 3rd day.
Online competitions for free vouchers found expired.
Christmas greetings in email inbox.
Volume muted on monitor (built-in speaker).
Friends online on chat messengers-late hours in Alberta. (Christmas Eve-vodka-party time-Yippee!)

Current Thoughts:

Lunch in the office refrigerator.
Cold water from office cooler-sooth my throat.
Bright green color business card-CDC-I hope I get through.
Tuesday morning 11:15 am meeting-thought link-CDC-Bright green color business card.
Beautiful long nails on right hand broken last evening.
No nails on both hands-faster on keyboard.
Dry lips-Always-Labello
Shaking legs-bad habit.
Awwe! SRK on cover page-What’s on?-The UAE’s biggest-selling magazine-Muah! (To SRK)

1 comment:

mrniiiceguy said...

u got so much time to write stuff from ur office ... you should be a natural !!!